Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Lincoln’s Goals of Emancipation and Preservation of the Union

Abraham Lincoln’s experience as a lawyer in Illinois and a member of congress for a short time could not have fully prepared him for the challenges of his presidency. His main obstacle was the disunity of the nation, and his main goal during his presidency was to reunite the country. In his own words â€Å"A house divided against itself cannot stand†. He also faced the challenge of slavery, which was a problem that had plagued America since its early days, and a major cause in starting the civil war.Lincoln believed that slavery should be abolished, more importantly though he believed in the preservation of the union, and in the end he issued the emancipation proclamation in order to preserve the union. As a person, Lincoln held the ideal of slavery to be wrong, and morally believed that slaves should be freed. He believed in the equality of all men. In an address to congress Lincoln said â€Å"the United States ought to cooperate with any state which may adopt gradual abolishment of slavery, giving to such state pecuniary aid† (Document A).This shows that he supported the abolition of slavery and was willing to support any other nation which was to do it. Lincoln also said in the Gettysburg address: â€Å"our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal† and he resolved that â€Å"that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth†. He believed in the ideals of America very strongly, including the idea that all men are created equal.Lincoln wanted to free the slaves, since he did not think it was right that they were enslaved. In addition to that Lincoln adamantly wanted to preserve the union, and so he took special wartime actions for that purpose. During the war, it was likely that the border states might have seceded from the union. To prevent this in Kentucky Lincoln instituted martia l law to keep control. In Maryland he had all the pro-secession members of the state congress arrested.These drastic actions showed how serious he was about preserving the union. Lincoln also suspended the writ of habeas corpus – the legal protection requiring a court to determine if a person is lawfully arrested. Under this suspension, over 13,000 anti-union Americans were arrested. These included legislators and newspaper editors among others. These arrests were enacted in order to silence anti-union voices, and the fact that this took place showed how concerned Lincoln was with preserving the union.Ultimately, Lincoln’s emancipation proclamation was issued as a way to help preserve the country, because of the advantages it gave the union in the war. It was more important to him to save the union than free the slaves, as he once said â€Å"If I could save the union without freeing any slave I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would so it; and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it†.Lincoln also said that â€Å"emancipation would help us in Europe, and convince them that we are incited by something more than ambition. †(Document B). Indeed, once the emancipation proclamation was issued it ended any possibility that European nations would aid the confederacy in the war. This was a strategic move on Lincoln’s part, to mitigate the support that the confederates received, in order to win the war and preserve the union. The emancipation proclamation was also strategic because of the effects that it had on the black people of the south.Freed blacks were encouraged to join the US army with promotional posters such as that in Document D. Lincoln knew that this would help in the war by adding to their ranks. Furthermore the southerners experienced a labour shortage, because their slaves considered themselves free, and left work undone which was left to be done by the white people of the South. The Emancipation proclamation truly was a brilliant strategic move on the part of Lincoln, engineered for the purpose of keeping the United States intact.Although he believed that slavery was wrong , Lincoln was more concerned with preserving the union, and his actions in freeing the slaves through the emancipation proclamation were done to meet the latter goal. Lincoln knew that slavery was one of the root causes of the war, and it was always an impending issue throughout the war. At the end of the day though, the slaves were freed in order to bring greater unity to the country. His actions ended up bringing increased freedom to black Americans, saved the country’s unity, and have forever defined him as one of the greatest presidents in American history.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Citizen Kane Essay

An extremely wonderful, but definitely not a movie I would ever watch again because I wouldn’t be able to handle it a second time, Citizen Kane’s very title has become a masterpiece. â€Å"The Citizen Kane of its genre is about as great of praise as any film might hope to achieve. Citizen Kane’s unique status in the world of American cinema is held in its place in Hollywood history. At the height of the Hollywood studio system, when studio bosses controlled every aspect of filmmaking from production to exhibition, this film was made by a handful of brilliant artists who were given freedom to do whatever they wanted. The examples in the film of why Citizen Kane is arguably the greatest film of all time: Introduction to Xanadu.  Kane’s Death. News on the March. Introduction to Susan Alexander. Kane’s childhood, Kane Buys his First Newspaper. Introduction to Mr. Bernstein. Visual symbolism: Mr. Bernstein’s image reflected in table. Visual symbolism: Mr. Bernstein stands beneath painting of Kane. The Early Days, the Happy Days. Declaration of Principles Scene. Kane Celebrates Birth of His Newspaper Empire. Kane Returns from Paris with Wedding Engagement. Leland Recalls the Breakdown of Kane’s Marriage to Emily Norton. Kane Meets Susan Alexander. Gettys Springs His Trap. Kane Marries Susan Alexander; Her Opening Night at the The Missing Review. Susan Alexander at the El Rancho. Susan Alexander Rehearses for Opening Night. Susan Alexander’s Opening Night at the New Opera House. Argument over the Bad Reviews. Susan Alexander on Tour. After Susan’s Suicide Attempt. Life is Boring in Xanadu. Susan Leaves Kane. As Susan confronts Kane. As Kane pleads with her. As Susan realizes Kane just doesn’t get it. Kane, watching Susan walks down long corridors and out of his life. Susan walking away from camera. Visual symbolism, Susan walking out of his life, and Kane’s Rampage After Susan Leaves a Symbolic action, Kane picks up the glass ball. Symbolic dialogue, Kane says â€Å"Rosebud† metaphor: Kane’s reflections in the mirrors Answer to the Riddle of â€Å"Rosebud.† Visual symbolism, fence, No Trespassing Sign, K sign in fence in foreground, Xanadu looming in the background Visually, Welles and legendary cinematographer Gregg Toland forged a dramatic style combining such techniques as extreme deep focus, varied camera angles  including low angles revealing set ceilings, and unconventional use of lighting and deep shadows anticipating the film noir style. Individually, most of these techniques had been pioneered in other films, but Citizen Kane masterfully brought them together with unprecedented acumen and maturity. Narratively, Welles and veteran writer Herman J. Mankiewicz jointly crafted a storytelling tour de force combining non-linear narrative, composite storytelling from multiple points of view (a technique that would later be indelibly associated with Kurosawa’s Rashomon), varying narrative forms including the famous opening newsreel segment as well as interviews and flashbacks, and a dramatic span of decades with characters aging from young adulthood (or even childhood) to old age. Their characters are complex and ambiguous, and their dialogue crackles with wit and insight. Thematically, the film tackles the mystery of man from nearly every conceivable angle except religion — love, happiness, money, power, sex, marriage, divorce, politics, the media, celebrity, despair, death — in a sweepingly ambitious study that asks anew the 2000-year-old question, â€Å"What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?† What’s more, Kane accomplishes all this not as a rarefied art film for the ambitious few, but as a popular story for the masses, a riddle picture with the most famous twist ending in Hollywood history. This ending, of course, is the explanation of Charles Foster Kane’s dying word, â€Å"Rosebud.† The twist behind the twist is that while the final shot satisfyingly resolves the question with which the picture began, the whole notion that that the answer to that question would somehow provide the key to Kane’s life was only a journalistic conceit. The film answers the question, but refrains from offering any final explanation or judgment of its complex protagonist, suggesting that a man’s life is more than a riddle to be explained or resolved. That’s not to say that Rosebud isn’t significant. It is. It signifies innocence lost, regret, the failure of the American dream of rags-to-riches  success. It also represents what Kane lost at an early age when he was taken from his mother and father and raised by an unloving guardian. Deprived of love, burdened by too much money and power, Kane grows up with a ravenous desire to be loved despite being incapable of love himself, as well as an arrogance and sense of entitlement to getting his way. The tragedy of his life epitomizes the dark side of the pursuit of happiness, with failed marriages, broken friendships, dashed political aspirations, rapacious acquisitiveness, isolation, and despair. Controversy surrounding the release of the film has become an enduring part of its legend. The character of Charles Foster Kane was widely recognized at least in part as a fictionalized version of newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst, and Hearst furiously did his best to suppress the picture and have it destroyed. While working on Citizen Kane, Welles joked that â€Å"If they ever let me do a second picture, I’m lucky.† He was only half right. He was lucky enough to make many additional pictures, some of them masterpieces in their own right. That super awesome level of control and magic was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and Welles made the most of it. This is Citizen Kane.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Night World : Secret Vampire Chapter 1

It was on the first day of summer vacation that Poppy found out she was going to die. It happened on Monday, the first real day of vacation (the weekend didn't count). Poppy woke up feeling gloriously weightless and thought, No school. Sunlight was streaming in the window, turning the sheer hangings around her bed filmy gold. Poppy pushed them aside and jumped out of bed and winced. Ouch. That pain in her stomach again.-Sort of a gnawing, as if something were eating its way toward her back. It helped a little if she bent over. No, Poppy thought. I refuse to be sick during summer vacation. I refuse. A little power of positive thinking is what's needed here. Grimly, doubled over-think positive, idiot!-she made her way down the hall to the turquoise-and gold-tiled bathroom. At first she thought she was going to throw up, but then the pain eased as suddenly as it had come. Poppy straightened and regarded her tousled reflection triumphantly. â€Å"Stick with me, kid, and you'll be fine,† she whispered to it, and gave a conspiratorial wink. Then she leaned forward, seeing her own green eyes narrow in suspicion. There on her nose were four freckles. Four anda half, if she were completely honest, which Poppy North usually was. How childish, how-cute! Poppy stuck her tongue out at herself and then turned away with great dignity, without bothering to comb the wild coppery curls that clustered over her head. She maintained the dignity until she got to the kitchen, where Phillip, her twin brother, was eating Special K. Then she narrowed her eyes again, this time at him. It was bad enough to be small, slight, and curly-haired–to look, in fact, as much like an elf as anything she'd ever seen sitting on a buttercup in a children's picture book–hut to have a twin who was tall, Viking-blond, and classically handsome .. well, that just showed a certain deliberate malice in the makeup of the universe, didn't it? â€Å"Hello, Phillip,† she said in a voice heavy with menace. Phillip, who was used to his sister's moods, was unimpressed. He lifted his gaze from the comic section of the L.A. Times for a moment. Poppy had to admit that he had nice eyes: questing green eyes with very dark lashes. They were the only thing the twins had in common. Phillip said flatly, and went back to the comics. Not many kids Poppy knew read the newspaper, but that was Phil all over. Like Poppy, he'd been a junior at El Camino High last year, and unlike Poppy, he'd made straight A's while starring on the football team, the hockey team, and the baseball team. Also serving as class president One of Poppy's greatest joys in life was teasing him. She thought he was too straitlaced. Just now she giggled and shrugged, giving up the menacing look. â€Å"Where's Cliff and Mom?† Cliff Hilgard was their stepfather of three years and even straighter-laced than Phil. â€Å"Cliff's at work. Mom's getting dressed. You'd better eat something or she'll get on your case.† â€Å"Yeah, yeah †¦Ã¢â‚¬  Poppy went on tiptoe to rummage through a cupboard. Finding a box of Frosted Flakes, she thrust a hand in and delicately pulled out one flake. She ate it dry. It wasn't all bad being short and elfin. She did a few dance steps to the refrigerator, shaking the cereal box in rhythm. â€Å"I'm a †¦ sex pixie!† she sang, giving it a footstomping rhythm. â€Å"No, you're not,† Phillip said with devastating calm. â€Å"And why don't you put some clothes on?† Holding the refrigerator door open, Poppy looked down at herself. She was wearing the oversize T-shirt she'd slept in. It covered ‘ her like a , minidress. â€Å"This isclothes,† she said serenely, taking a Diet Coke from the fridge. There was a knock at the kitchen door. Poppy saw who it was through the screen. â€Å"Hi, James! C'mon in.† James Rasmussen came in, taking off his wraparound Ray-Bans. Looking at him, Poppy felt apang-as always. It didn't matter that she had seenhim every day, practically, for the past ten years. Shestill felt a quick sharp throb in her chest, somewherebetween sweetness and pain, when first confronted with him every morning. It wasn't just his outlaw good looks, which alwaysreminded her vaguely of James Dean. He had silky light brown hair, a subtle, intelligent face, and grayeyes that were alternately intense and cool. He was the handsomest boy at El Camino High, but that wasn't it, that wasn't what Poppy responded to. It was something insidehim, something mysterious andcompelling and always just out of reach. It made her heart beat fast and her skin tingle. Phillip felt differently. As soon as James came in, he stiffened and his face went cold. Electric dislike flashed between the two boys. Then James smiled faintly, as if Phillip's reactionamused him.†Hi.† â€Å"Hi,†Phil said, not thawing in the least. Poppyhad the strong sense that he'd like to bundle herup and rush her out of the room. Phillip alwaysoverdid the protective-brother bit when James wasaround. â€Å"So how's Jacklyn and Michaela?† headded nastily. James considered. â€Å"Well, I don't really know.† â€Å"You don't know?Oh, yeah, you always drop yourgirlfriends just before summer vacation. Leaves you free to maneuver, right?† â€Å"Of course,† James said blandly. He smiled. Phillip glared at him with unabashed hatred. Poppy, for her part, was seized by joy. Goodbye, Jacklyn; goodbye Michaela. Goodbye to Jacklyn's elegant long legs and Michaela's amazing pneumatic chest. This was going to be a wonderful summer. Many people thought Poppy and James's relationship platonic. This wasn't true. Poppy had known for years that she was going to marry him. It was one of her two great ambitions, the other being to see the world. She just hadn't gotten around to informing James yet. Right now he still thought he liked long-legged girls with salon fingernails and Italian pumps. â€Å"Is that a new CD?† she said, to distract him fromhis stare out with his future brother-in-law. James hefted it. â€Å"It's the new Ethnotechno release.† Poppy cheered. â€Å"More Tuva throat singers-I can't wait. Let's go listen to it.But just then her mother walked in. Poppy's mother was cool, blond, and perfect, like an Alfred Hitchcock heroine. Shenormally wore an expression of effortless efficiency. Poppy, heading out of the kitchen, nearlyran into her. â€Å"Sorry-morning!† â€Å"Hold on a minute,† Poppy's mother said, gettinghold of Poppy by the back of her T-shirt. â€Å"Good morning, Phil; good morning, James,† she added.Phil said good morning and James nodded, ironically polite. â€Å"Has everybody had breakfast?† Poppy's motherasked, and when the boys said they had, she looked at her daughter. â€Å"And what about you?† she asked,gazing into Poppy's face. Poppy rattled the Frosted Flakes box and hermother winced. â€Å"Why don't you at least put milkon them?† â€Å"Better this way,† Poppy said firmly, but when hermother gave her a little push toward the refrigerator, she went and got a quart carton of lowfat milk. â€Å"What are you planning to do with your first day of freedom?† her mother said, glancing from James to Poppy. â€Å"Oh, I don't know.† Poppy looked at James. â€Å"Listen to some music; maybe go up to the hills? Or drive to the beach?† â€Å"Whatever you want,† James said. â€Å"We've got allsummer.† The summer stretched out in front of Poppy, hotand golden and resplendent. It smelled like pool chlo rine and sea salt; it felt like warm grass under her back. Three whole months, she thought. That's forever. Three months is forever. It was strange that she was actually thinking thiswhen it happened. â€Å"We could check out the new shops at the Village — was beginning, when suddenly the painstruck and her breath caught in her throat. It was bad-a deep, twisting burst of agony thatmade her double over. The milk carton flew fromher fingers and everything went gray.

Land Use Element in San Marcos Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Land Use Element in San Marcos - Research Paper Example Long term goals influence short term goals for example, in the private investment or specific plans. There are many advantages of this plan of San Marcos in that land use has considered the type of location. San Marcos location is a proximity away from good neighborhoods. Land use will ensure economic growth as San Marcos will have inhabitants who will conduct business or promote one. In addition, with new inhabitants so does need of education creep in, making San Marco an educational hub. However, this close proximity to a lot of neighborhoods enhnaces lack of privacy and a high population which comes with competition of resources. San Marcos modern areas are full of natural habitat like wildlife, agriculture and vernal pools. This is advantageous in that the sigh provides aesthetic relief, attracts rainfall and is thus encouraged and maintained. The main significant reason for leaving an open space and conservation are in san Marcos is that it makes it easy for individuals living there to identify the natural habitat, historical background of the area and the culture of the people. San Marco’s suburbs are intentionally packed with open space which has natural habitat. This is to set aside the rich and mighty from the rest of the town giving them the needed privacy. Moreover, the open space ensures a high quality of air away from polluted air of the cities. Open space and conservation will enhance the quality of living by staring with the air that residents breathe whci is qu;laity air. Its aesthetic beauty is also amazing Convesresely, even though the space is good for air and beauty open space widens the gap between the rich and the poor. This further drives the peole in different ways thus lack of unity. San Marco housing strives to deliver secure, but cheap housing for the community.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Information Technology Buisness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Information Technology Buisness - Essay Example The store, however, lacked computer applications for supporting the business functions. In the following section, a discussion will be made on some recommendations for e-business systems and Enterprise Business Systems for supporting the growth of the online business. The management of the business should understand that today’s business strategizing calls for more flexibility than in the past. They also require to note that strategy development process needs to be much more dynamic. There is the promotion of new value propositions by new companies, and new technologies are being used to give companies a competitive advantage. The company will also need to take very informal and dynamic approaches which tend to degenerate from strategy into tactics. For instance, the company may create a website, so as to advertise its existing and new products. The website will reach a lot of potential customers from a wide area. This is because the e-business enables the market to become global. The general purpose of search engines like Google enables the potential customer to find all the products on sale. Through the website, the clients can also make enquiries about the products, relating to price and durability. The company may also decide to sell its current and new products via a portal without rethinking the nature of its products (Harmon, Guttman & Rosen, 2001). In connection to making use of the internet for the sale of products, the business needs to consider using mobile systems. The mobile systems make e-commerce time independent and user location. However, regulatory issues are to be developed, especially regarding the international e-commerce and guarantee questions. Of concern also are the legal issues on e-cross border transactions and e-contracting. In the development of e-business applications, it will need to create a plan linking the business applications with the steps it wants to take to get to the future state.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Realist Law and Order Liberalism versus Optimistic, Market Liberalism Essay

Realist Law and Order Liberalism versus Optimistic, Market Liberalism - Essay Example d restriction of government rights with the help of the society that has the power to remove those leaders who are unable to act according to the social contract (Vaughn 311–326).Thomas Hobbes alludes occurrence of conflicts in the society to antagonism and rivalry that result in the attack of others for selfish interests so as to receive praise and protect their reputation among their friends, colleagues and the society (Hobbes 264). He further argues that even when human beings lived in a state of nature they still experienced a lot of suffering therefore the presence of rulers and rules would help alleviate the suffering. This paper therefore explores the social contracts postulated by both Locke and Hobbes and tries to examine the manner in which they are both attributed to the development of social liberalism. The paper will therefore explore the various postulates put forward by both Locke and Hobbes and examine the various weaknesses and strengths evident in each of the social contract theories and the challenges that are likely to occur as a result of the social contract theories. According to Hobbes, man is not a social animal by nature. He argues that the society is incapable of surviving on its own, it has to be supported the authority of the state. This is contrary to Locke who believes that a human being is a social animal by nature. According to Hobbes, in the natural state human beings are open and autonomous hence have the right to do whatever they want and are not accountable to anyone. This right is a basic moral fact, rather than any duty people have to do according to a law. The priority of individual right reflects our separateness, our lack of moral ties to one another. According to Hobbes, one consequence of this is that the state of nature is a â€Å"war of all against all†: human beings are naturally at war with one another. Individuals create societies and governments to escape this condition. Society is not natural to man, but is the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Ethics Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethics Theories - Essay Example In this case, there is little question that a theft of the drug would be ethical under a teleological and utilitarian model. Depending on the ethical approach chosen, breaking into the store to steal the drug could be considered either right or wrong. As stated above, a teleological analysis would justify the action as being right due to its potential to avoid a great harm, a loss of life, at the expense of some lost profit, which surely cannot weigh as heavily. On the other hand, a more duty-based approach such as deontological would require that the morality of the act itself be considered without regard to its consequences. Deontological ethics maintains that actions themselves have intrinsic moral value, and can be inherently good or bad. Arguably, stealing is wrong even if it ends up having a positive effect, and therefore a deontological analysis would require a determination that the action is wrong. In short, the ends never justify the means under such an analysis. Notifying employees of layoffs via e-mail is the right way because of the manner in which the notification was handled in this particular case.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Channel Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Channel Management - Essay Example The insurance industry too has begun using hybrid marketing channels. The objectives of marketing channels can be understood better by analysing their four functions - facilitating the exchange process, alleviating discrepancies, standardizing transactions and providing customer service. A marketing channel's most important aim is to facilitate a smooth exchange process between a firm and an individual. As marketing is a process of exchange between a buyer and a seller, channel members are considered exchange facilitators. When a marketing channel fails to deliver goods that match customer expectations, discrepancies occur. These can be corrected through activities such as sorting, accumulating, allocating and assorting. Organizations produce a variety of products for several reasons. Some reasons are: Distributors facilitate the task of sorting products so that their identification becomes easier and they can be delivered fast. Accumulating is the process of collecting the same product in large quantities. Distributors help both buyers and sellers protect themselves against price and supply fluctuations. Allocating is the process by which larger quantities of homogeneous products are broken down into smaller quantities. Manufacturers sell their products in bulk to wholesalers, who in turn, sell these in bulk to distributors. The distributors sell these products in smaller quantities to customers. Assorting is the process by which the customer's exact requirement is ascertained for a target group of customers. Distributors facilitate the marketers' task of assorting the products for different consumers according to their tastes and preferences. Another major objective of marketing channels is standardizing transactions. Let us consider the example of a milk delivery system here. In this case, the distribution is standardized throughout the marketing channel so that consumers do not need to negotiate with sellers on any aspect, whether prices, quantity, payment method or products location. Customer service includes installation, training and maintenance of the product and other forms of service required by customers. Distributors too offer these services. In a typical distribution system, there are two tiers between the manufacturer and the final consumer - the wholesale distributor and retailer. In a marketing channel, working with distributors and resellers creates more problems than it solves. This is because it is feared that intermediaries are interested in maximizing their profits and are not concerned about manufacturer's profits. To further this end, they prefer manufacturers with products and brands in high demand. Though this may be considered rational, it creates problems for manufacturers who are introducing new products in a new market. This forces the manufacturer to set-up a direct-distribution channel in international markets. Established companies, when entering international markets, choose emerging markets first. As they have limited exposure in these markets, they sell their products through local distributors who are independent in nature. Initially, though there can be a fast growth in sales, as the time passes, manufacturers start realizing and identifying problems with the distributors (Arnold,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Forgiveness concept Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Forgiveness concept - Essay Example According to them God brought every being to life by breathing into them like people do when administering CPR when trying to resuscitate someone. Religion supports their argument by quoting the Holy books such as the quaran and the bible. Religion is seen to expound on the concept of forgiveness by quoting the Holy books such as the quaran and the bible. Looking at the bible as a reference point, the first book of Genesis outlines how God created Adam and Eve and gave them a place to inhabit and also gave them the responsibility to take care of his creation. All God wanted was to have a good relationship with man. However God gave Adam and Eve a condition which was that they were not to eat a fruit from one specific tree. Despite this Adam and Eve betrayed God and went ahead and ate the fruit. This angered God and he burnished them from the garden of the Eden. However grave their sin was God forgave then and continued to bless them and watch over them. All religions have an aspect o f forgiveness in them. Aside from religion, human beings from time immemorial have been seen to also apply this concept of forgiveness whereby in the early ages indigenous communities after wars or misunderstandings decided to forgive each other and resolve conflict by forgiving each other and living an harmony. These communities just saw no need to have grudges against each other. I believe therefore that this concept is bore within us whereby these communities had no religion or reference point but they saw the need to forgive each other. Forgiveness goes hand in hand with peace and therefore these communities lived in peace with each other. Looking at the concept of forgiveness it is letting go of the bad things or harm another individual has committed against them. According to the Christians forgiveness is not directly proportional to the amount of harm one has caused against you. In that Christians

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Comparison between united arab emirates vs other coutnries in the Research Proposal

Comparison between united arab emirates vs other coutnries in the middle east.political issues - Research Proposal Example It is as a result of diversification and political inclusivity that the UAE has grown at a faster pace compared to Saudi Arabia, which discovered oil close to two decades earlier. Founded on 2nd December 1971, the UAE is a federation of seven emirates that gained independence from the UK and were effectively granted the liberty to govern their security and foreign issues. Prior to discovery of oil, the UAE economy largely depended on fishery and pearl industries. Nonetheless, the UAE started depending heavily on oil for more than thirty years, thus suffering a significant setback following the global financial crisis of 2008 to 2009 (Aartun In the recovery period, however, the UAE has shifted towards economic diversification and creation of opportunities for its nationals through education, improved trade, manufacturing, tourism, and logistics. Saudi Arabia is a supreme monarchy, which has established its niche in the global economy through its immense oil revenue. Oil is the dominant economy driver in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This implies that the country’s socio-political welfare is hinged on oil prices’ evolution. One of the key differences between the UAE and Saudi Arabia is that the former is a federation, whereas the latter is a monarchy. This means that in the UAE, there is a president, while specific powers are allotted to the federal government and others to individual emirates (Henderson In Saudi Arabia, however, power is reserved for the Royal family, which also gets the most important societal positions, which may occasionally heighten tension among the underprivileged members of society who may feel alienated (Gause Further, while the UAE is characterized by a legislative structure combining Islamic and civil law, Saudi Arabia primarily adopts Islam law, which is not adequately inclusive. In regard to the economic

Religious Cult Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Religious Cult - Case Study Example In order to better identify Heaven's Gate with the new religious movement, essentially a cult, in general terms as well as the unexpected consequences of its termination in specific, a sociological analysis is essential. This paper aims at illustrating the history of Heaven's Gate movement along with their belief system in particular in reference with the methods of organization by applying theories and models of new religious movements and a detailed analysis of the impact on wider society and culture as a whole. During 1972, the onset of the Heaven's Gate movement began when Marshall Herff Applewhite congregated with Bonnie Lu Trousdale Nettles, a nurse working in the hospital and an active member of . The belief system had been structured by these two individuals consisting of several unusual elements such as alien, new age movements, higher plane of consciousness, Christianity, theosophy as well as popular cultural myths and legends. Heaven's Gate also referred to as Human Individual Metamorphosis (HIM), was actually a millenarian movement, integrating the ideologies behind the traditional biblical analogy in association with the conception of space travel and reality from additional dimension whatsoever. The cult group's belief system essentially transformed through several manifestations during two decades of their subsistence. As the time passed by, the group's belief system had been matured with the belief that the leaders Applewhite and Nettles, later also known as Bo and Peep or Do and Ti, had been sent into "The Human Level" from "The Next Level" in order to organize and direct fellow individuals in their journey for being united with higher evolutionary existence. The leaders believed in the metaphorical ideas taken from metaphysics and UFO subcultures that the extraterrestrials provided the human beings another chance to move forward to the plane of higher consciousness - the ideology in essence was amalgamated the Christian significance of sin and liberation in combination with the components taken from Eastern religious philosophy primarily focusing on the termination of the cycle of death and reincarnation. However, the heavenly monarchy that Applewhite and Nettle used to describe was not only spiritual but it had literal base as well. They used to preach that the journey towards higher plane would be conducted by using a spacecraft. The term Human Individual Metamorphosis (HIM) was coined to make individuals or essentially followers to understand about the bodily metamorphosis, a literal transformation of a being's physiological existence, resembling to the life-cycle of a caterpillar to butterfly through the method of self-discipline. To identify their gradual process of revelation to higher dimension, various folk wisdoms depending on the regular and usual physiological changes had been employed in order to build the confidence in between. Examples may include the explanation of 'headaches' as the proof for "explosion of consciousness" or menstrual cycle as the active working of androgyny. Moreover, the ideology of the group asserted that all human beings possess the ability to trans cend to the higher state of consciousness in order to become graduated to the 'Next Level' which was

Monday, July 22, 2019

Values of society Essay Example for Free

Values of society Essay This in itself is interesting and is perhaps representative of the modern day fear of corruption from foreign sources for example, Donna goes to That London for a job interview and returns a slightly deranged, career driven woman, so concerned with herself and her work that she fails to notice both that one best friend has gone into labour and the other has gone off with Gaz, Donnas boyfriend. This does however hark back to the values of the pre-90s sitcoms like Steptoe and Son and The Good Life that family (and in this context this refers to the close knit group of friends) comes first. A lot of the humour in the traditional British sitcoms is derived from class distinction and the contrasts between these two classes this is particularly evident in The Good Life, in which Tom and Barbara Good decide to give up working for a living and instead enjoy a self-sustained lifestyle. This is in great contrast to their neighbours and friends, the Leadbetters, who are very upper class and disparaging of Tom and Barbaras new lifestyle choice. The majority of disequilibrium (as relating to Todorovs theory) came from a problem the Goods faced in maintaining their self-sufficiency whether it be a lapse back into middle-class for Barbara or Toms pigheadedness causing a minor problem to develop. They are continually challenged by Margot Leadbetter, who is a stereotypical snob with no sense of humour, who tolerates but doesnt understand their choice at all. While The Good Life was being produced in the 1970s, a revival of sorts was taking place concerning self-sufficiency and the growing snobbery of the middle class. The show was hailed as a great support to the cause as it showed it in a very positive light Tom and Barbara face a great deal of adversity in turning their South London home into a small farm, however they always overcome these issues and equilibrium is restored. Margots complete misunderstanding when it comes to self-sufficiency is representative of the snobbery of the middle-class towards those beneath them why should you do the work by, for example, growing your own food, when you can just drive to the shops and buy it? However Tom and Barbara get a good deal of joy from producing their own goods with varying degrees of success, and despite Margots disapproval, they are happy its a very positive message, that you dont need material worth to have a good life. The character of Margot can be seen as a precursor to the character of Hyacinth Bucket on Keeping Up Appearances, a caricature of a middle class social climber. It again employed class distinction as the main source of comedy, that is between Hyacinth and her unemployed sister Daisy, her husband Onslow and younger sister Rose who are an exaggeration of the working class, in that they dont do any work at all and instead spend all day in front of the television. The driving point of Keeping Up Appearances is that Hyacinth, forever striving to be higher in the community, is never happy, while Daisy, Onslow, Rose and Daddy are quite literally happy as pigs in muck. This is further explored in Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps, where the main cast (with the possible exception of Donna) have no ambition whatsoever and are completely happy to just continue with their working class lifestyle. British sitcoms tend to be very character driven a prime example of this is My Family, an exploration of the life of long-suffering dentist Ben Harper and his equally long-suffering family. Propps character theory can be applied thus Ben, the protagonist and hero, his wife Susan, the secondary hero, his son Nick, the idiot who provides comic relief, his daughter Janey the princess, and his son Michael, who acts as the donor, often providing Ben with the means to achieve his goals at a price. Each family member also periodically acts as the villain, the antagonist to Ben. The sitcom, then, is very formulaic the hero wants something (usually peace and quiet, in My Family), the antagonist has it or the ability to make it happen. This formula acts as something of a comfort blanket to the audience they are aware that whatever happens to the characters, it will be resolved and the status quo restored by the end of the episode these are the audience expectations of the sitcom genre regardless of the era it was produced in, therefore the basic structure of the sitcom has not been changed more than a slight amount to reflect society. The idea of a nuclear family in sitcoms is not a new one, in recent years however it has become more common to challenge this view Jam and Jerusalem is one such example. In the first episode the village doctor Mike Vine dies and leaves his wife Sal as a single parent. Sals children are grown up but her nature and role as village nurse, along with her inception into the village chapter of the Womens Institute, means she effectively acts as a parent to much of the community. Jam and Jerusalem also challenges social ideals by including a character afflicted by a mental illness Rosie Bales, a middle aged woman with the mentality of a child, has an angry and violent alter ego known as Margaret. This inclusion is an attempt to challenge the stigma of mental illness as a weakness and presents Rosie as a functioning member of society, even holding down a job at the local cheese factory and being a member of the WI. Jam and Jerusalem is considered a very down to earth sitcom, in that it doesnt utilise situations unusual to the surroundings it doesnt attempt to jump the shark, a phrase coined to describe the growing desperation of the producers of the sitcom Happy Days who created ever more bizarre plotlines in an attempt to eke out further profits. Set in the rural Cornish town of Clatterford, disequilibrium is caused by everyday situations such as the death of a family member or a bad harvest affecting the income of farmers. By doing so the producers have appealed to a wider audience, not merely interested in watching a programme which is, in effect, the same format every episode, but realistic situations and a life they can relate to. This is a reflection of the growing maturity of sitcom audiences and the need to approach the genre in a more sensitive manner. The strength of Sal Vine as a single mother is a response to the feministic values explored in AbFab however Eddie failed as a single mother, leaving her daughter to her own devices and even, in effect, becoming the child in the relationship herself. These views are challenged by My Family, in that My Family represents the nuclear family both parents are shown to be a part of the upbringing of the children, however with various degrees of success showing the strengths and weaknesses of both the mother and father. Class distinction is also explored in Jam and Jerusalem, with Sals daughter Tash being a hippy and living on a commune with her illegitimate son at the beginning of the programme. Tashs alternative lifestyle is a focal point in the second series with her impending wedding to Spike a traditional wedding proves too expensive and complicated so the whole village, including the other members of the WI, pull together to create a home-grown gypsy wedding, showing that the differences between classes can be overcome by a common goal. Each sitcom studied reflects some aspect of society the class distinction and its associated friction in Fawlty Towers, family life in My Family and lifestyle choices in The Good Life and Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps. Ultimately the sitcoms that we see today are echoes of the ones that have gone before. Whilst their setting and even content may have changed the underlying structure remains the same whilst the traditional family may have been replaced in such programmes as Two Pints, the essential format has remained the same. The reason for this development and renewal is that sitcoms need to change and evolve as society does a perfect family such as The Brady Bunch holds no real appeal to a modern audience as Two Pints or My Family because dysfunctional families are commonplace in modern life, and make plotlines about family life much easier to write. Sitcoms have a close link with the social and economic milieu from which they emerge, however, they are ultimately about people, and people do not change. Bibliography 1) http://www. mediaculture-online. e/fileadmin/bibliothek/stafford_sitcoms/stafford_sitcoms.pdf 2) Image and Representation Key Concepts in Media Studies Nick Lacey 1998 3) Narrative and Genre Key Concepts in Media Studies Nick Lacey 2000. 4) The Media Studies Reader Tim OSullivan and Yvonne Jewkes 1997 5) Exploring the Media Text, Industry, Audience Barbara Connell 2008 6) Media Studies AS and A2 Jacquie Bennett 2005 7) Media Studies Second Edition Stuart Price 1998 1 http://www. mediaculture-online. de/fileadmin/bibliothek/stafford_sitcoms/stafford_sitcoms. pdf 2 http://www. mediaculture-online. de/fileadmin/bibliothek/stafford_sitcoms/stafford_sitcoms. pdf.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Causes And Effects Of The Current Economic Crisis Economics Essay

Causes And Effects Of The Current Economic Crisis Economics Essay Overall economy is bullish; it is not only the stock exchanges that tell  riches to rags  stories but even  small businesses. It all adds to the national exchequer. An economist is likely to give a detailed, comprehensive definition of  recession. But for the layman who has been affected knows it only one way-when he loses his job and has no money to pay his  credit and loans.  Recession  is when the consumer faces foreclosure and the banker comes knocking for his pound (or dollar) of flesh. Many companies and whole countries go bankrupt for want of liquid funds and cash flow for even daily requirements.   If you look at it from the point of view of a businessman,  recession  is a transitory phase. The Business Cycle Dating Committee of the  National Bureau of Economic Research  has another definition. It profiles the businesses that have peaked with their activity in one season and it falls naturally in the next season. It regains its original position with new products or sales and continues to expand. This revival makes the  recession  a mild phase that large companies tolerate. As the fiscal position rises, there is no reason to worry.  Recession  can last up to a year. When it happens year after year then it is serious.   Are we facing a  recession  or not? Yes, for the simple reason that not only our neighbors but our friends are unemployed. There is less of business talk and more billing worries. Transitory recessions are good for the economy, as it tends to stabilize the prices. It allows run away bullish companies to slow down and take stock. There is a saying, when its tough the tough get going. The weaker companies will not survive the brief  recession  also. Stronger companies will pull through its resources. So when is it time to worry? When you are facing a foreclosure, when the chips are down and out and creditors file cases for recovery.   Firms face closures when they go through  recession  and are not able to recover from losses. If, at this time, they are not able to sustain their prices and stocks then there is more trouble. Even when the  recession  period gets over, they will not be able to do well. If a business survives a  recession  period they should be able to survive a depression. But how many  recession  proof businesses are there? Who will eventually survive the  recession?   1. Those that have been able to save their funds.   2. Those who have not invested in fly-by-night companies.   3. Those who remain clam till the storm passes.   4. Those that take stock immediately and decide to reinvest in a  recession  proof business. GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS The world is seemingly inching towards recession .Companies are going bankrupt, stock market are nose diving and more employees are being laid off while companies struggle to cut cost. Looking theng back, it seems not so long ago when economies across the globe, especially india , were going through a boom . What went wrong ,then? Here,s a quick round up of the major events that bought the current economic downturn. 2001-2005: Housing prices shoot up in the US. Bank start lending aggressively, leading to the creation of sub primary Industry. Subprime lending refers to lending at slightly higher interest rates to borrowers,who under normal circumstances would not have been eligible for the loan .Such borrowers are consider to have a less -than-ideal credit as they may have defaulted in the past or are employed or without any regular income. Banks usually, refrained from lending to such people owing to the higher default risk. However, with the rise in property prices, banks started lending to such borrowers as these loans were mortgaged against property .In case of default, the banks could recover the money by selling off the mortgaged property. 2005: The prospering housing market comes to a standstill in many parts of the US. 2006: As the prices even out, homes sales drop. February 2007: Sub -prime bubble in the US burst-more than 25 sub prime lenders either go bankrupt, incur heavy losses or are up for the sale Banks files to take into account the possibly of a fall in property prices while undertaking sub prime lending . With the hike in interest rates by the Federal bank , the sub-prime borrowers began defaulting . This prompting banks to sell off the mortgaged properties. As more banks joined this trend of selling mortgaged properties , prices of property dropped down in the U.S. August 2007 : A no of leading mortgage lenders in the us go bankrupt : March 2008 : bear Sterns crumbles September 2008 : Lehman Brothers file for bankruptcy while Merrill Lynch is sold off to Bank of America Financial markets in the us developed a new product between 2001 nd 2006 . This product was in form of a bond securitized against mortgages . Financial institutions like bear sterns, Lehman brothers and Merrill lynch lent money to mortgage banks against the mortgages, on condition that these mortgage banks would repay the money as soon as they recovered their mortgages . These lenders ,in turn sold the retail bonds to individual investors . However, as mortgages could not be honoured , banks were unable to pay the back this money to financial institutions, who in turn could not pay repay individual investors. In the entire process, Institutions like Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers Merrill lynch and AIG got a serve blow. LEHMAN BROTHERS Lehman Brothers was founded in 1850 by two cotton brokers in Montgomery, Ala. The firm moved to New York City after the Civil War and grew into one of Wall Streets investment giants. On Sept. 14, 2008, the investment bank announced that it would file for liquidation after huge losses in the mortgage market and a loss of investor confidence crippled it and it was unable to find a buyer. Lehmans slow collapse began as the mortgage market crisis unfolded in the summer of 2007, when its stock began a steady fall from a peak of $82 a share. The fears were based on the fact that the firm was a major player in the market for subprime and prime mortgages, and that as the smallest of the major Wall Street firms, it faced a larger risk that large losses could be fatal. As the crisis deepened in 2007 and early 2008, the storied investment bank defied expectations more than once, just it had many times before, as in 1998, when it seemed to teeter after a worldwide currency crisis, only to rebound strongly. Lehman managed to avoid the fate of Bear Stearns, the other of Wall Streets small fry, which was bought by JP Morgan Chase at a bargain basement price under the threat of bankruptcy in March 2008. But by summer of 2008 the rollercoaster ride started to have more downs than ups. A series of write-offs was accompanied by new offerings to seek capital to bolster its finances. Lehman also fought a running battle with short sellers. The company accused them of spreading rumors to drive down the stocks price; Lehmans critics responded by questioning whether the firm had come clean about the true size of its losses. As time passed and losses mounted, an increasing number of investors sided with the critics. On June 9, 2008, Lehman announced a second-quarter loss of $2.8 billion, far higher than analysts had expected. The company said it would seek to raise $6 billion in fresh capital from investors. But those efforts faltered, and the situation grew more dire after the government on Sept. 8 announced a takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Lehmans stock plunged as the markets wondered whether the move to save those mortgage giants made it less likely that Lehman might be bailed out. On Sept. 10, the investment bank said that it would spin off a majority of its remaining commercial real estate holdings into a new public company. And it confirmed plans to sell a majority of its investment management division in a move expected to generate $3 billion. It also announced an expected loss of $3.9 billion, or $5.92 a share, in the third quarter after $5.6 billion in write-downs. By the weekend of Sept. 13-14, it was clear that it was do or die for Lehman. The Treasury had made clear that no bailout would be forthcoming. Federal officials encouraged other institutions to buy Lehman, but by the end of the weekend the two main suitors, Barclays and Bank of America, had both said no. Lehman filed for bankruptcy Sept. 15. One day later, Barclays said it would buy Lehmans United States capital markets division for $1.75 billion, a bargain price. Nomura Holdings of Japan agreed to buy many of Lehmans assets in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Lehman also said it would sell much of its money management business, including its prized Neuberger Berman asset management unit, to Bain Capital and Hellman Friedman for $2.15 billion. Lehmans demise set off tremors throughout the financial system. The uncertainty surrounding its transactions with banks and hedge funds exacerbated a crisis of confidence. That contributed to credit markets freezing, forcing governments around the globe to take steps to try to calm panicked markets. On Oct. 5, Richard S. Fuld Jr., Lehmans chief executive, testified before a Congressional panel that while he took full responsibility for the debacle, he believed all his decisions were both prudent and and appropriate given the information at the time. EFFECT ON THE INDIAN ECONOMY Impact of global recession on India America is the most effected country due to global recession, which comes as a bad news for India. India have most outsourcing deals from the US. Even our exports to US have increased over the years. Exports for January declined by 22 per cent. RECESSIONS ARE the result of reduction in the demand of products in the global market. Recession can also be associated with falling prices known as deflation due to lack of demand of products. Again, it could be the result of inflation or a combination of increasing prices and stagnant economic growth in the west. Recession in the West, specially the United States, is a very bad news for our country. Our companies in India have most outsourcing deals from the US. Even our exports to US have increased over the years. Exports for January have declined by 22 per cent. There is a decline in the employment market due to the recession in the West. There has been a significant drop in the new hiring which is a cause of great concern for us. Some companies have laid off their employees and there have been cut in promotions, compensation and perks of the employees. Companies in the private sector and government sector are hesitant to take up new projects. And they are working on existing projects only. Projections indicate that up to one crore persons could lose their jobs in the correct fiscal ending March. The one crore figure has been compiled by Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO), which says that it has carried out an intensive survey. The textile, garment and handicraft industry are worse effected. Together, they are going to lose four million jobs by April 2009, according to the FIEO survey. There has also been a decline in the tourist inflow lately. The real estate has also a problem of tight liquidity situations, where the developers are finding it hard to raise finances. IT industries, financial sectors, real estate owners, car industry, investment banking and other industries as well are confronting heavy loss due to the fall down of global economy. Federation of Indian chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) found that faced with the global recession, inventories industries like garment, gems, textiles, chemicals and jewellery had cut production by 10 per cent to 50 per cent IMPACT ON DIFFERENT SECTORS 1. Impact on stock market The immediate impact of the US financial crisis has been felt when Indias stock market started falling. On 10 October, Rs. 250,000 crores was wiped out on a single day bourses of the Indias share market. The Sensex lost 1000 points on that day before regaining 200 points, an intraday loss of 200 points. This huge withdrawal from the Indias stock market was mainly by Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs), and participatory-notes. 2. Impact on Indias trade The trade deficit is reaching at alarming proportions. Because of workers remittances, NRI deposits, FII investment and so on, the current deficit is at around $10 billion. But if the remittances dry up and FII takes flight, then we may head for another 1991 crisis like situation, if our foreign exchange reserves depletes and trade deficit keeps increasing at the present rate. Further, the foreign exchange reserves of the country has depleted by around $57 billion to $253 billion for the week ended October 31.(Sivaraman, 2008) 3.Impact on Indias export With the US and several European countries slipping under the full blown recession, Indian exports have run into difficult times, since October. Manufacturing sectors like leather, textile, gems and jewellery have been hit hard because of the slump in the demand in the US and Europe. Further India enjoys trade surplus with USA and about 15 per cent of its total export in 2006-07 was directed toward USA. Indian exports fell by 9.9 per cent in November 2008, when the impact of declining consumer demand in the US and other major global market, with negative growth for the second month, running and widening monthly trade deficit over $10 billions. Official statistics released on the first day of the New Year, showed that exports had dropped to $1.5 billion in November this fiscal year, (Sivaraman, 2008) from $12.7 billion a year ago, while imports grew by $6.1billion to $21.5 billion. 4.Impact on Indias handloom sector, jewelry export and tourism Again reduction in demand in the OECD countries affected the Indian gems and jewellery industry, handloom and tourism sectors. Around 50,000 artisans employed in jewellery industry have lost their jobs as a result of the global economic meltdown. Further, the crisis had affected the Rs. 3000 crores handloom industry and volume of handloom exports dropped by 4.6 per cent in 2007-08, creating widespread unemployment in this sector (Chandran, 2008). With the global economy still experiencing the meltdown, Indian tourism sector is badly affected as the number of tourist flowing from Europe and USA has decreased sharply. 5.Exchange rate depreciation With the outflow of FIIs, Indias rupee depreciated approximately by 20 per cent against US dollar and stood at Rs. 49 per dollar at some point, creating panic among the importers. 6.IT-BPO sector The overall Indian IT-BPO revenue aggregate is expected to grow by over 33 per cent and reach $64 billion by the end of current fiscal year (FY200). Over the same period, direct employment to reach nearly 2 million, an increase of about 375000 professionals over the previous year. IT sectors derives about 75 per cent of their revenues from US and IT-ITES (Information Technology Enabled Services) contributes about 5.5 per cent towards Indias total export. So the meltdown in the US will definitely impact IT sector. Further, if Fortune 500 hundred companies slash their IT budgets, Indian firms could adversely be affected. 7.FII and FDI The contagious financial meltdown eroded a large chunk of money from the Indian stock market, which will definitely impact the Indian corporate sector. However, the money eroded will hardly influence the performance real sector in India. Due to global recession, FIIs made withdrawal of $5.5 billion, whereas the inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) doubled from $7.5biilion in 2007-08 to $19.3 billion in 2008 (April-September). Conclusion From the above argument it can be noted down that the Financial or Subprime Crisis was the shear consequences of greed and to make too much profit on the part of Wall Street Firms and Investment Banks. This crisis also shows the failure of capitalist market economy. Though the Indian economy would be able to withstand the crisis without any major difficulty, but the crisis is still causing mayhem all over the world.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Impact Of Security Risks On E Commerce Information Technology Essay

Impact Of Security Risks On E Commerce Information Technology Essay A security risk often can be represented as the event that compromises the assets, operations of an organization. The impact of the security risks is different on different kind of systems depending on the environment in which they are being utilized. That mean the impact on server systems is different to that of the impact on the client systems. Because of its openness and convenience Internet has become the biggest and most important market for people to do business and transactions. The security risks are mainly due to Intruders, viruses, worms, Trojans which have their own impact on the data systems. So here the scope of this research paper covers the security issues and their impact on the e-commerce. This focuses on a risk in case of e-commerce and it is defined as a function by security business professionals and the impact on the systems because of various security threats and vulnerabilities with real time examples and scenarios. These security issues are basically consists of various vicious attacks, these attacks, from a technical view can be sort into some categories; Loss of Confidentiality, Loss of Integrity, Loss of Availability, Loss of Accountability. And there are some threats that affect the computer systems such as; Web Server threats, Database threats, Programming threats, Threats to physical security of Web Servers which also affects the e-commerce. INDEX Introduction Risk in e-commerce Risk as a function Literature review Findings and discussions on typical Impact of risks on e-commerce systems Conclusion References 1.Introduction: With the development of Internet is still on the fast track even after the .COM bubble burst, more and more companies, enterprises especially small and medium size companies came to realize the opportunity that electronic commerce can brought to them. Therefore, they are trying to catch up with those forth goes in this area. In the meantime, quite a lot of companies that are in the leading position of e-commerce implementation are caring more on how to strategically avoid, reduce and manage the potential risks behind the   e-commerce  stage. Here this paper narrates; what is a risk in case of e-commerce? How it is defined as a function by security business professionals? What is the impact on the systems because of various security threats and vulnerabilities with real time examples and scenarios? In early days of using computer systems, most of the systems are standalone and the security was accomplished by the physical controls over the access to the computers. Burglar alarms, alarmed doors, security guards, security badges, cameras allowed the people to the most secured and sensitive areas. The interaction with the systems at that time is very less and its confined to very limited numbers i.e. to enter the data, manipulate it. The network of the systems is also confined to limited number of terminals and the security of it is in the hands of a limited persons. But now the condition has changed extra-ordinarily that millions of people around the globe are able to access to the network at a single moment of time effectively. So as the information from one place is being accessed by someone in another place over the computer networks, the security issue arises. Lots and lots of sensitive information are being accessed over the both private and public networks. So along with the fast growing technology the security threats are also increasing day to day. 2. Risk in e-commerce: What is risk in case of e-commerce? A risk may be defined as a security breach in which there might be a loss or theft of some information or assets containing the secret issues. The E-commerce systems are depending upon internet use, which provides open, flexible and provides a way for easy communications on a global basis. However, may be because of any reason the internet is unregulated, unmanaged and uncontrolled, so it posses many and wide range of risks and threats which in turn will affect with a great impact to the systems operating on it. Anecdotal evidence indicates that the main risks which are associated with e-commerce concern intruders, hackers, viruses, worms and interception of credit card numbers which are passing over the telecommunication lines or channels.  These risks can lead to the events resulting in the deliberate or inadvertent loss of many assets and this deliberate loss of assets can result from disclosing of the information, fraud, and deliberate disruption of service.   3. Risk is a function of three factors: Risk as a function Most of the security professionals will see that risk is a function of three primary factors: threats; vulnerabilities; and their business impact. Combining all these provides a standard formula for the risk that is often used in security and business continuity planning. So, E-commerce has had a big impact on all these three factors. Threats: Threats are naturally increased with the exposure. The more exposed a system is to people or other systems, the greater will be the odds that someone or something or some system will attack that system like Cyber squatting, Eavesdropping, Web Jacking, Denial of service attacks. E-commerce magnifies this exposure of systems by making various business services available via the Internet or other kind of networks and by integrating them with the back-office systems, such as some softwares, mainframes and by using enterprise resource planning software. Vulnerabilities: Vulnerabilities are those which increase with complexity. If the system is more complex, then there would be a greater likelihood of software defects, system defects or configuration defects/flaws that make that system susceptible to compromise. E-commerce increases complexity by promoting the more use of Web services, distributed databases, security zones, multi-tiered applications and other sophisticated technologies. Impact: Here comes the main subject of this research paper, the impact can be of any type-business or personal. Business impact is the one which increases with the business value of the system, as well as the amount or the length of time the system is compromised during an attack. There is some relationship that exists between these-business impact, its value and length of time of attack. The relationship between business impact and its value is almost linear, where as the relationship between business impact and the length of time is very rarely linear i.e. the maximum loss of the information or anything may be incurred instantaneously. For example, consider an attacker may steal the information of 100 credit card numbers and the associated customer profiles very quickly after compromising a banks or financial institutions database server. Here the E-commerce affects the business and its value directly on bottom line. 4. Literature Review: While the concept of e-commerce is no longer be considered as a new concept, an important part of E-commerce which is still relatively new is the issues of security risks that greatly affect the economy of the e-commerce business that directly connects with the customers to sell the products and services. The main trend in the E-commerce is to rely greatly and heavily on the network of computers connecting with all the databases. And they have the ability to provide a connection directly with the customers regardless of location and in the way that builds loyal and trust relationships between a customer and seller. However, it is important to examine a full range of issues related to the e-commerce strategy of the security risks as a way to attempt to connect with customers and increase their revenues. There are issues such as the issue of the impact of the security risks due to viruses, worms, bugs, attacks, frauds around the world, and even the way in which these attacks and frauds on the e-commerce systems affecting the revenue and making the trust of customers towards the business sites to decrease to a great extent. The information about the actual success of e-commerce methods and strategies that are based around business networking and an idea that the customers insight has been reduced because of the ease with which people can communicate will also is examined. In this review of the recent academic literature regarding E-commerce related to the use and impact of security risks and frauds, information about the reduction of customers insight into the commerce websites due to frauds and the impact on E-commerce strategies due to which the revenue is reduced is also reviewed. Even more, with the academic literature that is seen and reviewed, the strategies and variables that are very important for E-commerce companies i.e. how the security risks will affect the revenue and how the customers lost their information due to frauds will also be discussed. 5. Findings and discussions on typical Impact of risks on e-commerce systems: There are various threats to the e-commerce systems: threats posed to files, databases by viruses, Trojans, botnets etc, card payment frauds, malicious attacks from in and out of the business, hacker threats etc. So now we see the findings based on the function of the risks i.e. we see threats like web bugs, active content, integrity threats: Cyber vandalism, spoofing , Necessity threats: denial of service, web server threats, database threats and vulnerabilities and the impact of them on their business and systems. Impact by Trojans, viruses and botnets- Viruses and worms are the computer programs that spread across the computers and networks by making multiple copies of themselves i.e. usually without the knowledge of a computer or system user. A Trojan horse is a type of program which appears to be a legitimate but it actually contains another type of program or block of undesired malicious, infected code, disguised and hidden in a block of the desirable code. It can be used to infect a computer with a virus. A back-door Trojan is a program that allows a remote user or hacker to bypass the normal access controls of a computer and gain unauthorized control over it. Typically, the virus is used to place a back-door Trojan into a computer, and once it is online, the person who sent that Trojan can run programs on the infected computer, access personal files, and modify and upload files. So these merely affect the computer systems which are involved in the transactions, these by installing themse lves into the computers make some mess with the data in it or make it vulnerable for other type of attacks and in case of a Trojan the impact is very high that the attacker can bypass the access to the resources for the unauthorized use. Example: There has been a new wave of malware attack that has started affecting BlackBerry and it has originated from Poland. The aim is to extract banking passwords. So by this the attackers can affect the e-commerce transactions by using the credit card or bank details. A botnet is one of the infected vaults which are a group of infected, remotely-controlled computers. The hacker sends out a virus, Trojan or worm to ordinary computers. These computers can then be used to launch denial of service attacks, distribute spam e-mails and commit click fraud, identity theft and thefts of log-in details and credit card numbers. The impact due to the web bugs makes the user or customer to feel bad about some companies which involve e-commerce. This is because the attackers who attack with web bugs gains the information of the ISPs of the system, so the web bugs are introduced in the e-mails and makes that e-mail address a valid one. Active content is the content which is used by the e-commerce sites to display their items, perform check out tasks and calculate tax and shipping information etc. This active content may include java applets and java scripts. Many websites have the options to control the active content but despite the attacker use this active content to impose their code into the website. By this the attacker can do a mess with the content of the website and can gain some private information about the customers. So the impact is very risky that the users details such as the card details etc can be by passed to other attackers terminal. The impact of the Cyber vandalism is very bad that the customer may get disgusted by the web site presence which in turn makes the customer never come back to this web site thereby decreasing the business of this website. This is because the attacker will replace or defaces the content of the website with his own content such as with porn content. So this cyber vandalism made a serious dent in the customer confidence in internet based e-commerce. This is a type of integrity attack in which the impact is majorly on the information present in the website. Example: When the Internet was new for the home users, the young hackers would gleefully deface websites; they break into corporate, e-commerce computer networks and try to outdo each other at how much mischief they could cause for the corporate networks, looking for fame among their contemporaries.  (Husted, 2011) Spoofing is another type of attack by which many websites are victims and its impact is great on the economy of the e-commerce websites. In this type of attack the perpetrators make use of the loop holes in the DNS servers and make their fictitious website as a real and original website to spoof the website visitors, so when the visitors have submitted their credit card details or any private information the attackers use these details to order the items and make them to ship to other addresses. Even the big e-commerce companies such as, AOL, eBay are the victims of this attack. Example: Recently many of the individuals are getting the e-mails that found to be legitimate from the original e-commerce websites such as Dell, Amazon that these e-mails will encourage the victims to click and submit usernames, passwords and some of their private information like card details, so then boom, they are spoofed i.e. the attackers now use their credit card details and can do all the mess which may be expected. The impact of the Denial of Service on the e-commerce is great that the websites which are attacked with this delay in service cannot handle the requests given by the customers thereby decreasing the sales and commerce. The attackers will keep the central server that handles the request very busy by sending the inappropriate requests. This makes the customers of a particular e-commerce website disgusting and they automatically go for the other competitor website. This can also be seen in the credit card payment gateway in the websites making the customers waiting for longer times and leave the website. Example: On December 8, 2010, a group called anonymous launched a Denial of Service attack on organizations such as,  PayPal,  and  Post Finance and made the payment gateways as dead for many hours irritating the customers of many e-commerce websites.( Addley, Esther; Halliday, Josh, 2010) The web servers threats also had a great bad impact on the e-commerce business. Actually the web servers are responsible for delivering the web pages upon the request through http protocols. So here when there are vulnerabilities the attackers will do mess and in affect the e-commerce business degrades. Web servers can compromise the security by prompting the users to enter their usernames and passwords when the user visits multiple pages in the same web servers protected area. The passwords that the user selects can be a threat. They select the simple passwords. If the file containing the private details is compromised, an intruder can enter into the privileged areas, and obtain the usernames and passwords. The database threats also pose a great impact on the e-commerce business. Besides storing the information the database servers also connected to the web servers which contain valuable private information that could damage the whole company irreparably if disclosed or altered. And most of the database servers rely on the username and password security that if compromised can cause a great impact on the whole website. Generally the database that contains the usernames and passwords are encrypted but some of the databases of some companys may not be encrypted, so if the unauthorized users obtain the authorization information then they can masquerade as the original database users and can get the confidential and potential valuable information like bank details etc. Once if the database of a certain company is compromised then the attackers may play with these details that they can use the card details and can buy the things they want in the e-commerce websites and can ship to their addr esses. The impact by Server Root exploits refer to techniques that gain a super user access to the server. This has a very big impact on the e-business because it is the most coveted type of attack and the possibilities are limitless i.e. the attacker can play what he wants. When the attacker attacks a shopper or his personal computer, he can only affect that single individual. But with this kind of root exploit, the attacker can gain control of the merchants, sellers and all the shoppers information that has links with the site. The attacker uses are two main types of root exploits: buffer overflow attacks and executing scripts against a server. The consequences may be very high that the attacker can do a mess with the website. In a buffer overflow attack, the hacker here takes the advantage of a specific type of computer program may be a bug that involves the allocation of storage of information during the program execution. This technique involves tricking of the server into executing a code written by an attacker. The other technique uses the knowledge of scripts that are executed by the server. This step is easily and freely found in the programming guides for the server. The attacker then tries to write the scripts in URL of a browser to retrieve information from his server. This type of technique is frequently used when the attacker is trying to retrieve data from the servers database and after getting he or she may misuse the details of the users who shop through online. This will intern make the customers not to visit the particular site again as they got crapped by it. Example: AS MANY as 9000 New Zealanders may have had their credit card and personal details stolen after a Lush cosmetics website was hacked. This company has urged its online customers in New Zealand and Australia to contact their banks to discuss cancelling their credit cards (Rogers, 2011). In 2007, IC3 Internet Crime and Complaint Center received 219,553 complaints that totaled $239,090,000 in financial losses in the form of assets or in form of theft. The average loss per complaint is around a $1000. C:UsersBharathDesktop2007_ic3report.jpg Source: Internet Crime and Complaint Center 2007 Report 6.Conclusion: This article outlined the key security attacks and impacts in an E-commerce system. The Current technology allows for secure website design. The rise of users identity theft and the fraud that attackers do and it has long been seen as a threat to e-commerce revenue growth. With the complaints of identity theft, loss of private information and phishing attacks on the rise, many customers may shy away from buying goods and services online. It is up to the site developing team to be both proactive and reactive in handling the security threats to reduce the high impact on the e-commerce business, and up to the shopper to be more responsible and vigilant when shopping online.

Much Ado About Nothing Essay: Effective Use of the Foil -- Much Ado Ab

Effective Use of the Foil in   Much Ado About Nothing      Ã‚  Ã‚   In The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, the famous British poet William Blake wrote that "without contraries there is no progression - Attraction and repulsion, reason and imagination, and love and hate are all necessary for human existence" (Blake 122).   As Blake noted, the world is full of opposites.   But, more importantly, these opposites allow the people of the world to see themselves and their thoughts more clearly.   For, as Blake asserts, without attraction, one cannot understand repulsion, and without imagination, one cannot understand reason.   In Much Ado About Nothing (MAAN), William Shakespeare uses this idea of the power of opposites to show the differences in two types of love.   Using the relationship, language, and actions of Hero and Claudio as a foil against those of Beatrice and Benedick, Shakespeare has painted a world in which the ideas of courtly love only serve to illuminate those of true love.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In an essay on Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, William Kittredge defined the idea of courtly love that is illustrated in MAAN.   Kittredge said that courtly love must involve a love that is extremely idealized and superficial, with the vassal or servant-like suitor, who is often a valiant knight, devoting himself completely to an ideal woman who is often the daughter of a powerful man (Kittredge 528-529).   When this definition is applied to the relationship between Hero and Claudio in MAAN, one is able to recognize a perfect match.   For example, Claudio, a young lord of Florence, is a valiant soldier as is shown in the first scene of the play with the comments made by the Messenger: "[Claudio] hath borne himself beyond the promise of his age, doing ... ...hat is truly Much Ado About Nothing, becomes a commentary on the idea of love.   True love becomes illuminated through its reflection in its own foil - the ideals of courtly love.   The true relationship of Beatrice and Benedick compared to the relationship of Claudio and Hero, gives the reader not only a better understanding of the power of the literary foil, but also a foil into which that reader can reflect and better understand himself.    Works Cited "Blake, William." The Columbia Dictionary of Quotations.  Ã‚   CD-ROM. New York: Columbia UP, 1998. Kittredge, George. "The Marriage Group." The Canterbury  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Tales: A Norton Critical Edition. Ed. V.A. Kolve. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1989. 523-530. Shakespeare, William. "Much Ado About Nothing." The Norton Shakespeare. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1997. 1389-1443.

Friday, July 19, 2019

workers comp :: essays research papers

It shouldn't hurt to go to work. But in 1998, nearly 6 million U.S. workers were injured at work or became sick because of their jobs. Most working Americans know that they are protected by workers' compensation laws if they are injured on the job. But many are unaware of the prominent role played by organized labor in securing these historic legal protections. Workers' compensation laws became necessary at the turn of the century, when injured workers were faced with rising medical costs and lost time. In those days, an injured employee had to prove that the employer was at fault, due either to an unsafe workplace, lack of safe tools, failing to warn of dangers or failing to furnish adequate help. If the employer was not at fault, the employee received no compensation. Even if the employer was at fault, the injured worker still could not recover if he was partly to blame, or if he knew of the risks beforehand, or if the injury was caused by a fellow servant. In most cases, injured workers received no compensation at all. Employees and their families faced financial ruin. And if a worker happened to overcome the legal obstacles and received money damages, the employer might be put out of business, costing other employees their jobs. To remedy this unfairness, Labor struggled for the passage of workers' compensation laws. Labor argued that an employer could pay for work injuries by merely raising the price of its product or service by a few pennies to purchase workers' compensation insurance. In contrast, an employee bearing the cost of his own injury could become destitute. Labor's battle cry was, "the cost of the product should bear the blood of the worker." The original model for workers' compensation legislation was a compromise between business and labor. Employees gave up their right to sue for large jury awards in exchange for more modest but certain compensation for lost time, medical bills and permanency. Employers gave up their cozy system of fault-based liability in exchange for a no-fault system, but with limits on the amount of money they would have to pay their injured employees. Early workers' compensation laws covered only hazardous industries, such as construction, demolition and mining.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Book Report on Nickled and Dimed

Victoria Conrardy Mrs. Lord A. P. English 11 February 21, 2013 AP Book Project Part One Introduction 1. Title-Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America is significant because Ehrenreich does explain how many do â€Å"survive† off of minimum wage which really is not much. 2. Author-Barbara Ehrenreich is seventy-one years of age and is a widely-read and award-winning  columnist  and  essayist, and author of 21 books which include: Blood Rites; The Worst Years of Our Lives; and Fear of Falling. 3.Persona- Ehrenreich persona is described as credible because she displays her story through real events because she admits to have mildly conquered her challenge of testing to see how complex it is for the working class. She proves her theory by stating â€Å"[Someone ought to do the old-fashioned kind of journalism-you know, go out there and try it for themselves. ]† in the Introduction section. 4. Passage- Ehrenreich, Barbara. †Serving in Florida. â€Å"Nicke l and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America. New York: Henry Holt and Company, LLC, 2001. 11-49. Print 5.Prompt Selection- Prompt One-Read the chapter you selected and then write an essay analyzing the rhetorical techniques the author uses to convey his or her attitude toward the subject. Part Two: Passage Analysis How you ever wondered why your parent’s always made you clean the house â€Å"the right way† or why they keep nagging you to clean up the simplest messes? They just wanted you to appreciate what they have provided for you and the family because their jobs take a huge toll on their life, usually doesn’t pay well and could be gone within seconds.Barbara Ehrenreich of Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America takes on the challenge to prove how tough adults actually work to keep all the nice things through imagery, diction, and tone. Barbara Ehrenreich a common wealthy lad starts off the challenge in Key West, Florida where she actually lives and uses imagery to describe her expressions. She feels anxious about the idea and fears that someone will recognize her in â€Å"disguise† but she attempts to find a place to live.She estimates that if she makes $7 an hour she could afford a $500 rent and ends up living in a â€Å"cabin† in the â€Å"swampy backyard† where her landlord lives with his girlfriend. Her next step is to look for applications fit for her ideal job which involves â€Å"†¦certain supermarket jobs, such as deli clerk, or housekeeping in the hotels and guest houses†¦Ã¢â‚¬  which uses a strong detailed diction. She then gets dolled up and within 3-4 days of no calls, decides to try out to be a waitress and immediately interviews her, ending with â€Å"When can you work? and informing her about the uniform for Hearthside which was just a matter of â€Å"being in the right time at the right time†. While entering Hearthside, she hears â€Å"Fuck this Shit! † and Gail, a co-work who trains Barbara, comes to her rescue and explains, â€Å"That’s just Billy†, â€Å"[He’s on the rag again]-a condition occasioned, in this instance, by the fact that the cook on the morning shift had forgotten to thaw out the steaks. †, and gets back to â€Å"running-around† and taking orders. Hearthside only pays $2. 3 an hour plus tips and the employee service isn’t the best but she still manages to hang in there for quite a while. Within a couple of weeks, Barbara realizes that she doesn’t have enough money to pay for the next rent and decides looking for a second job. She gets hired at â€Å"Jerry’s† which she describes by using a sarcastic tone, â€Å"Picture a fat person’s Hell, and I don’t mean a place with no food. †, but what she really means is a gross, sticky place forcing the employers to walk â€Å"like Susan McDougal in leg irons. , with absolutely no time to be sitting un less in the bathroom, with a rude management â€Å"†¦whose contribution is to stand by the kitchen counter and yell†¦ †. Barbara quits Hearthside and becomes a part-time employee at Jerry’s due to the better pay. Finally she quit Jerry’s because she couldn’t handle all the raucous being held and moved on to land her â€Å"dream job† as a housekeeper. Barbara implies that getting your â€Å"dream-life† that you’ve planned out since you were in high school doesn’t always work out.You might have to quit a job to focus more on school or an activity or might have to find a second job to keep up with the rent. So now that you some-what understand how tough the â€Å"real-world† is hopefully you’ll become more appreciative towards things. Part Three: Book Review I really enjoyed reading this book because I felt it really applied to me and my future. It helped me unlock new thoughts about jobs I might want to co nsider due to whom will pay better, working environments, and physical effects.She does mention different jobs she did take and the struggles she heard/learned about from her fellow co-workers Annette and Tina, as mentioned on page 26, â€Å"Annette, a twenty-year-old server who is six months pregnant and abandoned by her boyfriend, lives with her mother, a postal clerk. † and â€Å"Tina, another server, and her husband are paying $60 a night for a room in the Days Inn. This is because they have no car†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . I also really enjoyed the fact that Ehrenreich went out and tried to live a â€Å"normal† working class life because it will soon apply to me and gives me a better deal of how to balance and handle jobs.

Mainstreaming and Inclusion Education For Disabled Children

match to the Curry School of Education, c put up to 80% of students with involveing disabilities receive the majority of their instruction in the general tell apartroom (Inclusion. http//curry.ed 10 Oct. 1999). That number is evaluate to rise as teachers and p argonnts become cognisant of the benefits of inclusion.Because at that place are so many another(prenominal) handicapped students in level(p) schools, it is classical to look at whether or not mainstreaming is necessary for their study. For parents, having their dis adequate children mainstreamed into fix bringing up female genitalia be a difficult choice. Although change childrens education send away be more intriguing in regular schools, the benefits of inclusion implicate enhanced self-esteem, development of hearty skills, and image to regular course of instruction.Many people deal mainstreaming entirely stand bys incapacitate children, but there are man y challenges that s discountdalize their education rather than help. Both skill and students ordure be cruel to alter students. Because they are not used to interacting with disabled children, faculty and students whitethorn be uncomfortable with the patch and be insensitive to the disabled children. By ignoring the disabled children or treating them badly, the children leave alone lose self-esteem and may disrupt the class in order to show their unhappiness. nigh teachers are not familiar with teaching disabled children, so the education is missing for the children. Teachers may continue to teach their classes at an accelerated level, for reachting about the slower students. The students lead then fall behind and get frustrated with the situation. All these factors hurt disabled childrens education and leave alone hurt their chances at succeeding in life. universe in a regular school can help disabled children intuitive feeling better about themselves and their accompl ishments. When disabled children pad a more challenging task, they may receive praise from their teacher and clotheshorse students. Kim Harries says that when learning disabled students are primed(p) in classrooms with regular achieving students, higher expectations are placed on them. In turn, their longing to exceed annexs (Mainstreaming. http// 11 Oct. 1999). Disabled children neck that they are overcoming great odds by attending a regular school. Because of that knowledge, they can be proud of their accomplishments no progeny how small they may be. Because of their effort, disabled children can feel better about themselves in spite of the disability that ails them.Inclusion in a regular school casts disabled children the social skills needed to live in the outside world. Disabled children learn cardinal lessons to help them adapt to the real world. They learn how to interact with other people and how they are expected to act in public. According to Scott Willis, Advocates of mainstreaming, on the other hand, claim that the mainstreaming of disabled students results in better socialization skills for the disabled children (Inclusion Gains Ground. Education Update. Dec. 1995 1-8). Disabled children tuck real life experiences when dealing with regular students. They deal with the everyday ridicule and challenges that only make them stronger against those that may put them down. relations with and learning from everyday problems now will only help disabled children as they grow up in an malign world.Immersion in regular curriculum haps disabled children a chance to quiz their abilities. Disabled children can test their skills and train what areas they excel in. After children find something they excel in, they can use that talent in future aspirations. Disabled children are habituated a chance to challenge their minds and so grow amiablely. By doing so, they may increase their l earning capabilities and advance in their education. Because children may only be disabled in certain areas of curriculum, immersion will give them a chance to keep up in classes they are mentally able to. By giving disabled children the chances they deserve, their mental and physical abilities are able to mend and thus improve their education.Even though education in regular schools can be challenging for learning disabled children, including them can enhance their self-esteem, develop their social skills to help them survive in the world, and give them a chance to be receptive to regular curriculum. Everyone at some headland in their lives will be uncovered to people with handicaps. If they learn to look last(prenominal) them at a young age, it will help them succeed in a mainstreaming world. Jennifer Pinland, a speech pathologist that whole kit and caboodle with disabled children says, Children with handicaps cannot be ignored and pushed through with(predicate) the school system. They must get the help they need in order to turn away ridicule and defeat for the rest of their lives.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Hagar Currie Shipley from the novel “The Stone Angel” by Margaret Laurence and Edgar Gallant Essay

Through the character Hagar Currie Shipley from the novel The muffin Angel by Margargont Laurence and Edgar G all toldant, we squirt chance on that invigoration experience and devotion accept au whereforetic impresss on people which may metamorphose as they age older. Those impacts goat be for the genuine or the bad. These decisions ar made by the people who experience something so great that had changed their minds. When some champion goes thought something that might contract changed their lives then they some dates be herald a diametric per countersign. Hagar Shipley is oft plant in contact with her past epochs except non with her emotions. She had been thought a volume in her liveliness and one thing was dimension her back which lead her to make the decisions she did. On the some other hand, Edgar Gallant, uses his emotions to share his past with his relatives and loved ones. Being this dash Edgar became the person he is now. These two people are unique in their own looks merely they still drive certain similarities with their lives experiences.First separateHagar Shipleys life experience has an main(prenominal) affect on her resign self since she keeps on passing the pre move whenever she feels un satisfied. In her old age, she escapes the present by means of daydreaming and wanders around in her past in search of a situation w present she had control alternatively of having to deal with the present situation. For example when Hagar is pass watern barium by the doctor at the hospital and she is query what will happen next Ive waited uniform this, for things to get better of worse, some and mevery a time. I should be used to it. So many long time I waited at the Shipleys set pop out We see hither that Hagar does non feel comfort fitting in the present beingness assumption a substance she does not know. Therefore Hagar leaves the present in search of a situation she has been in previously where she knows what will happen. Hagar does not barely escape from the present mentally scarce also physically. Even though Hagar is a very lofty woman, she becomes progressively more(prenominal) powerless to dispense for herself and therefore becomes an unbearable emphasis on her son, Marvin and his wife, Doris.This tension becomes even worst as she watch over ass a trip away from home loss them stranded, not knowing where she has disappeared Oh dear, you threw an awful scare into us. why should you go and do such(prenominal) a thing, anyway, baffle? When I came back from the store, and found you werent there, I nearly when out of my mind. Its been so worrying for us, and we felt up so awful, having to go to the police. They looked at me in such a funny way, as though I shouldve apportionn better care, just now how on undercoat was I to know youd do a thing like that? We see here the problems that Hagar has inflicted upon her son and his wife. We do not hear very often of an old lady of ninet y two years old running away from home. Hagar needs care because she has become a shaver. Hagar was never a child because her stimu slow made her grow up accelerated then her age. So as Hagar looks into her past at her childishness she sees a grown up child, so in her old age, she became the child she never was.Hagars college education was not a very important part of Hagars life even though it has prevented her to live the care free of a offspring growing women. In those days, college was not the aforementioned(prenominal) for girls and boys. We can see this through a quote from Jason Currie Its not the same for you-theres no women here to teach you haw to behave like a lady. Jason was sending Hagar eastmost to l pull together how to become a lady, not for graze related knowledge. This is destinen by Jason when Hagar come home two years later Do you think I sent you down East for two solid years just so you could take a one-room school? Hagars draw did not need her to le arn to do any type of work, he had sent her there for her to be pretty and know how to behave herself like a lady to channelize off to the entire townsfolk to show off his daughter.Youre a confidence to me. Everyone will be saying that by tomorrow. Youll not work in the store. It wouldnt do. We here realizes that Jason has sent his daughter Hagar to college so that he could be proud of her. Hagar is also very proud as we can see when her father hits her I wouldnt allow him see me cry. I was so enraged. This is pride, she has inherited from her father. Her father then realizes that she will not let him see her cry and says You take after me, youve got backbone, Ill give you that. From this quote, we can see that Hagars pride comes flat from her father. Hagar once said Pride was my wilderness and the giant that led me there was fear. She has been afraid of being unrespectable which is why she decided to go to college and was easily convinced(p) that it was she that should go an d not Matt. Afraid of needing too much and giving too much, Hagars pride is some(prenominal) unsettling and inspirational.Second separateEdgar Gallants life experience and past memories have an important install on his life and relationships with others. Edgar had a very provoke past that affects him even today. His past affects his career as a volunteer in the later years of his life as he helps out others with his knowledge. He has been asked to take part in over a dozen organizations due to his previous success in his lifes work. Not persuasion he has fulfilled his dream and what he was sent here to do, he has accepted to help out in closely nine different association for the make usually as a president or vice president of comities. Edgar Gallant uses his past, not to hide, nevertheless to enrich his every days work. strange Hagar, Edgar has usually worked in a team thinking that several brains are better then one, communion information to reach a better solvent that one could not come up with alone.Edgar does not hide his emotions, he believes that hiding a certain part of them is good in the work environment because of the professional look and rational approach to have in a work environment with work partners. On the other hand, he is very open towards his family and shares everything with them. He has shared hi time between work and family always leaving enough time to carry on his duties as a responsible father. Sharing his feeling with his wife and children, he was able to name a feeling of trust and get up his children in the way he thought was best.Edgar found that sharing some degree of emotion show as well as the rational check of things was the best approach in family situation. It is good to show emotion to a certain degree. One does not want to overwhelm, but share his problems with his family. I have always consciously made an effort not to let emotion dominate savvy. This shows that he shares his emotions with others but doe s not let them take over by keeping a rational look on things. Edgar was never really proud in the same way as Hagar. He was often given position he though were above his expertise, but decided that since others had that trust in him, that he would not deceive them so he went on to do what was expected of him, never letting anyone down.Third ParagraphHagars take on religion has changed end-to-end her life. In her younger age, Hagar was very spiritual and went to church with her father. Then she found out that her father was having an procedure with Lotions mother and since then she started being less religious. afterward Johns death Hagar hang onped being completely religious. She prayed for him to live, but to no avail as she explained to Mr. Troy. She feels that praying is useless because god will not respond to her in the end. Edgars take on religion has also changed with age. When he was a boy, his family was very religious. At the age of 13, he was sent to a embarkment sc hool which had a priests where all his companions and teacher were super religious. As soon as he left(a) the boarding school, he then realized that he did not agree with some of the religious concepts he was taught.From then on he decided to take a different look on religion. As he got old he leaned more astir(predicate) the world and that added to his concepts to religion which was also a reason why it changed. Just like Hagar, Edgar does not presently practice a certain religion but has beliefs of his own inspired from the Catholic Church and books. Edgar has changed his view on religion due to philosophical books, religious texts from other religions and his work which is about social jurist and truth to the people. Due to his knowledge as he grew older, he has come to realize that not one religion is true, but that all of them have something good and that religious belief is a sum of all of them. He also mentioned that there is not way of knowing which religion is the right one so taking bits from all of them can maybe create a better understanding from all of them. He also did not let religion take over his life which enabled him to work more frequently.From her childhood as a daughter of a Scotch merchant to her marriage, Hagar has fought a long and wrong date for freedom and respect. In the end she realises her wrong conduct when it became too late, she has gone with her life without thinking about her actions and the consequences. When someone does not know if they are at fault they keep repeating those actions until its too late to reverse them. Edgar on the other hand has naught to look back on, he knew exactly what he wanted and went right for it. In Edgars crusade he was raised by and worked hard to earn respect which in the end he was disposed(p) respect by others.The work he has through for the society is incredible and he is still doing so in a manner that will earn the society and him self. He will not stop working until he probably c ant function anymore. The benefit that he is getting out of it is the joy of being able to make a difference. Hagar unfortunately realized this near the end of her life, when time was running out. She realized this when she only performed one childbed to help out the girl in the hospital. If only she realised that helping others is rewarding and makes a difference, then she could have started at an earlier age. Whether its a persons character or religion, as one grows older their views change. This could include a change in heart or opinion.