Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Social Problems A Social Problem - 1743 Words

Kennedy Baker 10-30-17 Period 2 Ms. Osterman Abortion Paper Social problems can encompass many things, but they all have two things in common. They are a social state that disturbs society, and they are detrimental to society. There are four stages to a social problem: public outcry, crafting an official response, reaction to official response, and developing alternative strategies to solve problem. These stages run in a cycle and happen over and over again depending upon what the public is upset about. When you have a social problem, it affects many people in the society. Some examples of social problems are drug abuse, poverty, world population, and suicide. All of these problems affect a mass amount of people in a grim way therefore†¦show more content†¦Then in 1973, the Supreme Court made the decision that abortion would be legal. The NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation believes, â€Å"In the years since Roe v. Wade was decided, thousands of American women’s lives have been saved by access to legal abortion.† Women have an abortion for many reasons. About .5% of women have an abortion due to rape, 3% due to fetal health problems, 4% due to physical health problems, and 4% said it would interfere with their education and/or career. Another 7% said they were not mature enough to raise a child, 8% said they didn t want to be a single mother, and 19% stated that they were done having children. Two main reasons that women have an abortion is that they cannot afford to have a baby (23%) and that they are not ready to have a child (25%). Because of women’s differing circumstances, congress made the decision to legalize abortion. They wanted all women to have a choice when their life is at stake, they were raped, or when incest occured. Why is This Problem a Social Problem Abortion is a social problem because it affects many people in society. Whether you have had an abortion yourself, a family member has, or even a friend; it affects you no matter what. Many people care about this topic, and that also makes it a social problem. Depending on your view on abortion, there are different opinions you could have over why this problem negatively affects society. Andrew Napolitano (Pro-Life)Show MoreRelatedSocial Problems Of A Social Problem Essay1458 Words   |  6 Pages Social Problem a) What is a Social Problem? †¢ My understanding of a social problem is that a substantial group of individuals consider an issue to be problematic and that the matter in question does not reconcile itself between the good of the group and what has been done for society. 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